One of the most atrocious things I've ever seen... (Spoilers, as if anyone really cares)
9 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie...

This movie is going to be the death of me!

Anyway, this is one of the most atrocious things I've ever seen put to film (I call it a thing because it isn't really a film-- more like an assemblage of unfunny penis and marijuana jokes strung together by a plot dumber than any of the fake trailers in the film "Grindhouse" (an actual good intentionally bad movie)).

So, what makes this film so egregiously awful, you may be asking? Well, to do that, I'd have to spoil the entire film, but this is my review, so, yeah...

The movie opens up with a montage of naked women (because boobs are funny?) running into a sorority house from what are presumably zombies (though the film never directly states this). Insert a penis joke so that we can cut to what is ultimately a joke referencing a better zombie movie (28 Days Later), because just making a reference counts as comedy, right? Anyways, we cut to a college party where we see our protagonist Chrissy making jell-o shots, only so they can be used later in the same scene as a set-up to a period joke that ultimately isn't funny. Humiliated, Chrissy runs to the science lab where she discovers a zombie (that she's never noticed until now?), and ultimately decides to make it her boyfriend so she can stay in the sorority and keep her scholarship (what?).

Seeking revenge on Chrissy (for something that is never actually explained in the film), Bambi, the leader of the sorority, tries to get the zombie to cheat on Chrissy so that she can break them up and get her kicked out. No character development is ever established for Bambi except that she's a deplorable human being.

So, the zombie gets mad, starts biting people up, and ultimately, all hell breaks loose...

To keep a long story short, they cure the zombie infection with weed, leading to more drugs, nudity, and childish humor.

Stay as far away from this movie as possible! I love movies that are so bad, it's good, but this movie is just genuinely frustrating to watch! I implore you to watch a good zom-com like Dead Alive or Shaun of the Dead!

Whoa... That felt good to get off of my chest!

Time to go watch a good movie to cleanse my palate (inserts some pretentious art-house film into the Blu-ray player)!
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