Review of Twenty

Twenty (2015)
Very entertaining coming of age comedy!
8 August 2016
OK I love everything about the film, entertainment wise. If you know the three main actors, you'll know this film was really just meant to compliment their careers, that's all. Kim Woo-Bin who played superficial Cha Chi Ho started off as a model in real life, and is a Korean primetime TV heartthrob; he stars in one of the most popular and beloved high-school romance series, like a live action manga series kind of show. So his appearance and role here is rather complimentary. Lee Jun Hoo and Lee Yu Bi are singers, and Kang Ha-nuel has starred in popular teen K-horror. Jung So-Min is also rather popular as I believe she also stars on Korean primetime TV.

This film is not meant to be Shakespearean to the loser guy above who couldn't even spell "formulaic." I didn't just see this film; it's been about a year since my first time, but I signed in just to say the racist moron who posted the review here is so busy being bitter and jealous-hearted, scrutinising their (sexy) appearances, that he forgot this is a film review section. Not America's Next Top Model. Which Kim Woo-Bin could DEFINITELY win.

For what the film was trying to do, it achieved and then some, which was to entertain its clear target audience (to lure women of all ages to the eye candy, and to find males who could relate). Ask any Korean or look at any video host site, this is such a popular film. There are many films that are MEANT to be popular and to achieve what "20" did, but did not at all, needless to name.

The only thing the other reviewer here got right who gave it 1 star was understanding their roles. Yes, they are immature, they're 20, and the film started off when they were portraying teenagers...horny, insecure teenagers. And they progressed into adulthood also as being horny and insecure but most people do that; no one immediately gets it right out of high school. I related to this film tremendously and I'm not male nor Korean! And I know many Koreans loved it. I just think the guy in these reviews was jealous of how successful the film is...It doesn't even need film reviews written here because the fans revel everywhere else.

Dong-woo is poor, struggling through college, single mom, no love life because women are interested but he pushes them away, knowing he's got nothing to offer. Sad, huh?

Kyung-jae is the narrator, fairly normal guy but in the middle class. He is the balance between his two best friends, the needed voice of reason.

Cha Chi-ho is a spoiled party boy in a family of rich business and this was no accident in the film so why is the guy writing in this section angry...? He was supposed to be a moron, everyone in the film called him that so calling the film moronic is futile! But his role was meant to be a light-hearted comic relief since Korean films have a rule that every film needs at least one sad, tragic moment. They mocked those sad moments constantly through the film though such downfalls were added in throughout. I feel his sating and comedic scenes carried the movie though the other actors/actresses and scenes were still featuring popular talent and satisfying moments.

Their characters and looks are rather quintessential to Korean films, (which the other poor viewer must be new to), and especially films meant to be popular among teens and young adults, and it was.

The main thing I didn't like was the girl Kyung-jae liked, those parts were kind of boring to be honest but not necessarily poorly done; I just wanted to get to sexy Kim Woo-bin's parts.

The main thing I loved was the ending scene, the last 10 minutes, it was funny and beautiful. Mainly because the rest of the film delicately added up to that final climactic moment and the epilogue which was sweet.

They also didn't exactly mature, because that would be miraculous. What they did though was gain optimism, with each other and new relationships and career pursuits, though still with bumps in the road, but that's OK, because they have a stronger friendship/brotherhood, and a better outlook on life! How can you not love that?
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