Suicide Squad (2016)
David Ayer brings something new for the DC Cinematic Universe.
7 August 2016

Villains, come in many different shapes and sizes. Some iconic villains have even stolen the show from the hero, and are capable of winning fans over. After the outcome of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the U.S. Government is concerned about how they will deal with future threats. Bad – ass babe Amanda Waller, played by Viola Davis (The Help, Prisoners) sees the arrival of Superman as a wake-up call. She uses the fear of Superman's abilities to fight the U.S. Government into letting her unit Task Force X, a group of their worst imprisoned criminals. The intent is to send the team on suicide missions against super-powered threats in exchange for time off their rather lengthy sentences. This film has been receiving some bad reviews, and a lot of negativity. Do I think it's a perfect movie? No, far from it. However, I believe the film has an amazing cast, great soundtrack, it felt like a comic book on the big screen, well acted performances, colorful, it's fun, funny, and it felt like the DC Cinematic Universe is actually starting to connect more naturally. I honestly don't understand all the negative reviews, and hate this film has been receiving. Honestly, I like it a hell of a lot more than Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Out of all the actors and actresses so far in the DC Cinematic Universe, the cast in Suicide Squad is easily the best. Will Smith, as Deadshot is the most well rounded character, with back-story, character development, and screen time. If anything, I consider this the Will Smith movie a.k.a. Mister July a.k.a. Big Willy Style has his career comeback. I do agree with what some critics and fans are saying though. I believe Will Smith is the main character, because he is the biggest selling point for this movie. Also, at times I believe he was acting like Will Smith instead of the character Deadshot from the comics.

Viola Davis completely owns the role of Waller. She really is mean, fearless, intelligent, determined and as Will Smith said to her in the film, gangsta. She dominates everyone she shares a scene with and makes them look ten times as small. I'd love to see her character come back in the future.


Another standout is Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn. If you're not familiar with comic books and or the character. You should know that Margot Robbie had a ton of pressure on her taking on this role. If you go to any comic convention, there are literally many women dressed as Harley Quinn (That's why I like those conventions ha-ha). In my opinion, Robbie will satisfy fans, newcomers who may not know the characters, and moviegoers. Robbie manages to capture the spirit of Quinn from the animated series as well as the newer version from the comics while still making the character work for movie audiences.

If you talk about Harley Quinn, you also have to talk about Jared Leto as Mister J a.k.a. The Clown Prince of Crime, better known as The Joker! Leto had to face even bigger expectations. I'll admit, when I first saw the picture of Jared Leto as The Joker I wasn't feeling all that strong about it. I literally said, "He looks like what would happen if Lil Wayne and Marilyn Manson would have a baby together). Nevertheless, after seeing him here, Leto took on the role and I really feel like he delivered. His Joker brings a lot new to the character and is significantly different from the performances of Heath Ledger, Jack Nicholson, and Mark Hamill. In my opinion, this Joker was a mix of various Jokers. Jared Leto's reminded me very much of the Joker from DC Comics The New 52 series Endgame story-line, Batman: The Killing Joke, Ledger, Nicholson, and the novel Joker by Brian Azzarello. Jared Leto is not trying to be Heath Ledger. He is trying to do something different, yet stay true to the character we love (or hate). I actually would love to see Jared Leto come back as The Joker. I heard many of his scenes were cut from the film, and personally, I'd love to see more.

So these are my final Bitchin' Buddha thoughts on the film Suicide Squad. Even though the director David Ayer (screenwriter for Training Day, Director of End of Watch) mentioned he is not the biggest comic book fan, I believe he constructed a well-done comic book movie. It has a good cast, music, and it feels like a comic book movie. I believe this film would have been even better if it were rated R, not trying to be as funny, and kept the tone of the very first trailer we saw. It's not a perfect movie, but I personally enjoyed it. For those who didn't enjoy it. I'm sorry you were all let down, and hopefully you didn't lose all your faith in the DC Cinematic Universe. I believe that Suicide Squad earns a…


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