The Star and the Story: The Thin Line (1956)
Season 2, Episode 19
I didn't like it....
7 August 2016
This episode of "The Star and the Story" is a great example of very good acting but a script that just isn't up to snuff.

Johnny (David Niven) is a patient in a psychiatric hospital. Inexplicably, one of the attendants (Chuck Connors) is coaching him on how to cheat his way through an examination in order to get discharged from the hospital. This never is explained, by the way. Anyway, you then learn that he was hospitalized after apparently slashing his wrists after slashing his wife's throat!

Despite being in a brain fog, Johnny is able to convince the doctor he's fine and his discharged. However, as the episode progresses, he starts to realize that he might not have done the things they've told him he'd done.

The conclusion to this one and the whole notion of some weird amnesia just don't work very well. The shows comes off as a bit silly--and it's a shame as Niven was a fine actor. Here, however, even he cannot save the show.
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