Ozark Sharks (2015 TV Movie)
Poorly executed in its making
6 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The special effects used are, well, terrible. Understandably, it's on a budget but a freshwater shark scene with Ramoras attached to the shark while its swimming? Hello, quality check anyone? Many of the underwater scenes are rerunning the same shark swimming as well or the same section underwater.

Acting - Not good. The "mother" was the most natural role played while the others, especially the son and boyfriend, were awkward and stiff in their deliveries. Actors obtained at bargain basement prices most likely.

Plot - It's based on a realistic theme of bull sharks being able to live in fresh water so there is that.

Compare and contrast - Planet of the sharks was much better in employing special effects, shark shots, and a much better plot with solid acting incorporated in it.
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