Hilarious film...And not in a good way
4 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Fan or no fan, this was a brutal movie. It was so bad that my buddy and I were laughing almost the entire time. Some was because of some great comedic work by Urban or the Beastie Boys soundtrack. The rest was because the film was so ridiculous. And I actually really enjoyed the first 2 reboots

1-The plot was almost near incomprehensible. Alien girl says her crew is stranded on a planet due to their ship being unable to navigate the nebula. No background checks or even the slightest hint of suspicion or anything like that, just, get the enterprise crew back on the ship and lets travel through a dangerous and uncharted area of space on blind faith to save a presumed crashed crew. Um OK. It turns out to be a trick. SHOCKING!!!! The writers even have Checkov ask Kirk when he suspected she might be bad!! Are you kidding me???? How about the second she showed up in the film? That's the catalyst for getting the story going. And who the hell was this girl?

2-1st most ridiculous scene in the movie: Suddenly, without any sort of set- up, we see a big green glob shot onto what appears to be a lock. Turns out it's Scotty's little buddy's booger and SOMEHOW it allows them to open the door. Oh BTW, we're in the prisoners cell

3-2nd most ridiculous scene: Spock is fighting a bad guy when out of nowhere, said bad guy is hit with a big rock. Turns out it's Uhura saving the day. Problem was she was a prisoner of the main bad guy Krall LITERALLY in the scene preceding this one (and no she didn't escape!!!!!)

4- This movie did not need to be 3-D. In addition to that, it was not filmed properly for 3D or most probably, was filmed in 2D and transferred to 3D in post. Either way, it was an epic fail as the camera movements were a blurry distracting disaster

5- The actual directing and cinematography was weak. Throughout a good chunk of the movie, I remember thinking "Where the hell is everyone in relation to each other???!!!" Constant close ups during fight scenes and explosions, poorly lit scenes and sets. Very disappointing for a big budget film.

6- The editing was like watching a music video. Plus one of the funniest moments comes during a fight scene between the cool white and black chick and Krall's right hand man. In the midst of the fight, they cut to this static, Close up shot of this dude's head as if he was about to break the fourth wall and address the audience. It holds there and then cuts back to a wide and we're back in the action. It was hilarious!

7- Simon Pegg always saves the day (surprise, he's a screenwriter on the film)

8-]Krall using 2 humans suspended from the ceiling to electrocute himself. Still not sure what the purpose was

9-When Krall questions Sulu about the location of the the special piece he needs to power a weapon of mass destruction, the girl who has been charged with keeping it hidden so millions won't die, hands it over without batting an eye after Sulu gets choked for approx 2 seconds. It's like here are the nuclear codes... So what's everybody doing tonight?

10- Did anyone else notice the multiple Star Wars references?

Honestly, what happened to story and realism? Yes it's science fiction but realism pertains to the world you have created within the story. I have zero problem getting caught up in fantasy or science fiction (actually a huge fan) so long as they adhere to a certain realism within that world. Huge failure.
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