The State of Wisconsin Vs. Steven A. Avery
4 August 2016
In 1985, Steven Avery was identified by the victim of a brutal sexual assault. As is usual in the United States, he received a heavy sentence, but in 2003 he was released after his innocence was established by overwhelming evidence; Penny Beernsten was sincere but wrong. The legal authorities were simply wrong.

in October 2005 while Avery was in the middle of legal proceedings for a massive claim related to his false imprisonment, photographer Teresa Halbach disappeared, and her remains, some of them, were found along with other evidence linking them to Avery. The police would later extract a confession from his teenage nephew to participating in the rape and murder of this poor woman.

Steven Avery was no angel, certainly when he was young, but he had no history of sexual assault, and why would a man who had become a minor celebrity and was shortly to be very rich commit such an heinous crime? With this one, either you believe Avery is a murderer or you believe he is the victim of a fantastic conspiracy by unidentified individuals in local law enforcement.

Before you dismiss the conspiracy angle, watch a clip of the murder of Walter Scott, the death of Ian Tomlinson, or read up on the Hillsborough cover up, and all will be revealed.
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