Review of The Trust

The Trust (2016)
3 August 2016
Two Las Vegas Policemen believe they know where drug money is and devise a plan to get it. Officer Stone (Nicolas Cage) refinances his house and Officer Waters (Elijah Wood) shakes down a drug cutting operation for the money needed to buy expensive drilling equipment to bore into the vault below someone's apartment, which is over a grocery store.

This is a drama, but there are some good comedic lines in here. And, yes, the Nicolas Cage impersonators will like this one as now they get new material. Check out these impersonators on YOUTUBE. They are good.

You will simply not believe the notable in here: Jerry Lewis. Yes, that Jerry Lewis and he played Stone's father and he did a good job.

This will be slow going, sort of, but the pacing and suspense and the acting and chemistry between Cage and Wood is so good you stay with it. You become engaged. You are not sure if this will work out, and you really don't care if it does, but then again………… maybe.

Because they need good working conditions, they have to do something about the man and the woman in the apartment. They do so and now, let drilling begin.

To say more would give too much away. Yes, there is a big twist later on and no one saw it coming. No one. I thought it was very good.

Violence: Yes. Sex: Yes, in the very beginning. Nudity: Yes, in the very beginning. Language: Yes.
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