30 July 2016
This mockumentary is a disgraceful, disrespectful, cynical attempt at what? Is it black humor? Is this about adding a credit to a resume? To be so unfeeling and cold, so effortlessly, is all I'd ever need to witness regarding anyone involved in this piece of garbage. There were real victims and there are real, heartbroken families and friends left behind, you jerks. How proud and happy YOUR families must be. Shame on you all. This continued pattern of murders and senseless loss of promising young people is terrifying, and should be treated as such. Perhaps Steph Young, David Paulides, or some other tireless researcher or author will finally be able to uncover what's behind these sinister crimes. If a senator's son died this way, I think we'd see a tremendous amount of publicity and effort to solve the crime. So sad.
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