Slender Entry Despite Basehart Showcase
30 July 2016
The hour's a slim premise that gets stretched beyond capacity. Good thing production hired that fine actor Richard Basehart to carry the show. It's his intelligently restrained turn that kept me interested in what amounts to a one-note Perry Mason episode. Seems civil attorney Crawford's (Basehart) gets involved in his young son's (Pollick) killing of a rival over a girl's affections. Feeling guilty for being a poor father, Crawford seeks redemption by going all out in son's defense.

It's hard to tell where the story's going since there's no doubt about the youth's guilt. Seemingly, the only outstanding question is the degree of culpability—was it intentional (first degree murder), or spur-of-the-moment (manslaughter). Unfortunately, that's not a lot to drum up suspense for a dramatic hour confined mainly to a courtroom. Then too, Pollick's stumbling performance doesn't help. But, guys, there's the luscious Jean Hale providing brief blonde relief with a witness box turn. (Catch her in Perry Mason's "The Murderous Mermaid", where she shows both talent and striking good looks.)

Anyway, to me, the hour's a sub-standard entry, distinguished only by the superb Richard Basehart.
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