Basketball & Maths (2009 TV Short)
Nothing to do with realistic life
30 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Basket et Maths" is, as the title already tells you, a French short film from 2009, which means 3 more years and it has its 10th anniversary. It is a television production by Rodolphe Marconi and Sébastien Perroy. At 7 minutes only, it is really short. And it is also really bad. I don't think the acting is a huge problem here, or the direction, but the script is really bad. Until the ending, it is just a very forgettable film, but with the final scene, it becomes downright ridiculously bad. We have a teenager who plays basketball and has a crush on a teammate. So far so good, but what happens in the alternate universe of gay-themed short films? The love interest randomly leaves his girlfriend and wants to learn maths together with our "hero". Nothing more is told, but it is very clear what the writer wanted to tell us with that? And what he actually tells us is that he has absolutely no idea when it comes to relatable authentic storytelling. Who needs realism right? Glad this one was over so quickly. Stay far far away.
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