New Blood (2016)
Youthful fun
28 July 2016
'New Blood' is a lively new television drama, about a pair of young, somewhat reckless and egoistical men who work respectively for the police and the Serious Fraud Office, who find themselves inadvertently working together on a series of cases, in defiance of their bosses and any common sense. The plots are a little silly, to be honest, offering a simplified vision of how the world works, and the programme's style uses lots of sped-up footage, look-aheads and flashbacks, but it's nicely paced and there's some merit in the portrait of a pair of young Londoners, trying to enjoy their lives and get ahead in the world. It's not exactly deep, but it's certainly not boring. The formula may get tired if there are subsequent series; but the first series at least has been entertaining and fun.
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