BoJack Horseman: Start Spreading the News (2016)
Season 3, Episode 1
Funny but Disappointing
26 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Bojack Horseman" is one of my favorite shows ever, don't get me wrong. And there's nothing explicitly wrong with this episode, except for the fact that it seems tired. The show has broken the rules and had a fantastic season two premiere episode, "Brand New Couch." Unfortunately, however, the trend is not continued into the third season. The jokes were funny most of the time, but rarely intelligent. The show set such a standard for itself with its first two seasons, and while I don't expect every episode to live up to it, I was disappointed when the very first episode of the season didn't.

The other issue with the episode is its forgetfulness. Bojack has just been traumatized in New Mexico, and has found a new friendship in Todd, and now all of that is just... not a thing anymore? He still resents Todd, shows no remorse from the masterful "Escape from LA," and worst of all, Jill Pill was incredibly underwhelming.
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