Clinton Cash (2016)
It's hard to describe how bad this film is.
24 July 2016
There have been many propaganda films made over the history of film to influence people's emotions while ignoring facts. Some you can admire for the skill of the film makers, such as Leni Riefenstahl's "Triumph Of The Will" in 1935, D. W. Griffith's "The Birth Of A Nation" in 1915 or even "The Eternal Jew" released in Germany in 1940 to justify the Holocaust.

This propaganda film, however, doesn't come, even remotely, to the level of "The Eternal Jew" or the 1918 film "The Kaiser, The Beast Of Berlin". All the above had, at least, better production values. better camera work, better editing, use of montages, cross fades - "Clinton Cash" doesn't even come close in cinematic quality.

It is fascinating, in a perverse way, to see these video "hit pieces" crop up more and more as we near the United States General Election in November, 2016.

Technology has, sadly, created a cinematic Frankenstein's Monster, allowing any teenager in their parent's garage to create the cinematic equivalent of a house-cat's coughed up fur-ball.

"Clinton Cash" should be shown in all film schools as an example of the worst in film making
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