Review of Pilot

Haunted: Pilot (2002)
Season 1, Episode 1
13 Episodes?
23 July 2016
It's not hard to understand why this series was canceled, but rather it's hard to understand why it took thirteen episodes.

From the boring uninvolving opening, to the boring uninvolving middle, to the dragging boring uninvolving climax it's one big "Who cares?".

You have the main character who often seems to forget what acting is, a wooden lifeless performance by the actress who plays his wife (who seems to be so far over the death of her son, it's almost like she never had one), an ex cop partnership isn't sold to us but rather forced on us; and same dark moody atmosphere a number of series back then had but at least some tried to work in their own style but here that doesn't happen, right down to eve using composer Mark Snow (who worked on some of those dark moody show). And sure enough, the score is all over the place and kind of interchangeable (but hey, a pay check, which is nice).

You know it's pretty bad when you're in the third act and you cant' be bothered to give a crap and end up skimming most of the painfully long climax.

They made twelve more of these? Good lord.
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