Sophomoric film based on Freshman book
22 July 2016
Take a superficial, out of touch woman, have her write a book about her sophomoric adventures, then base a movie on it. This movie is basically: "I am a woman. Watch as I turn from naive girl in a local city, to a woman with adventures and experience under my belt at the expense of others." Walking around in a country other than my own, with different customs? Make sure I don't read/learn anything about that country first. Check. Sexually oppressed culture which should conform to me because I'm visiting? I'll be sure to give my advice to any woman who will listen. Check. War torn country where I should be keeping a low profile? Wear an ORANGE backpack in the public square and wave bundles of cash around. Checkity check. Endanger and exploit the men around me because I'm an independent woman. Check - Then take that check to the bank. Pretentious, egotistical, I simply cannot say enough bad things about this movie, about the book its based on, or really the woman who wrote it and the people that green lit it.
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