I loved this show... until I actually sat down and watched it.
19 July 2016
I heard about this show through word of mouth and I must admit I had some preconceived notions about what it would be like. I don't know; I think I expected it to have a little more, how you say, depth. I expected a cast of honest, lively characters. I expected there to be bigger problems that who's dating whom. I did not expect that the parents would be played by professional hand models and appear just whenever the kids (who are obviously in their mid-twenties) needed to borrow a credit card. I expected that if they did go nuts with the card, there would be some consequences. I expected at least one character to be the moral center of the group, to talk them out of this silliness and say "I told you so" if they didn't listen. But most of all, I expected this show (being the "Real Orange County" and all) to try and teach kids that being a stuck-up rich kid from California is NOT the solution to all of life's problems. I guess this is what you come to expect after decades of watching GOOD TV. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to sound like some old curmudgeon complaining about offensive material on TV; personally I enjoy it in small doses. And this show was not "offensive" to me in the traditional sense, at least not the few episodes I saw. I just think it sends a bad message, lacks substance, and is overall very painful to watch. It was apparent when I saw this that the Golden Age of Television was at its bitter end. So you may call me a "naysayer" if you wish, but I feel there are certain things that need to be said. Speaking as a veteran TV-watcher, I've seen some crap in my day, but this, as they say, "takes the cake." Goodnight, folks.
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