Berserk: Night of Miracles (2016)
Season 1, Episode 3
Terrible Excuse of an Episode
16 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A ton of random filler with janky animation and cut frames that felt jarring, and all too often would cut away from what was happening. The awful CG was the worst so far, which is a shame after last episode's better use of CG. But even the 2D animation wasn't the best. All of a sudden, Puck and Guts are like best friends with Puck saying lines like "Do it like usual, Guts!" even though they met maybe 48 hours ago. Do what like usual? You just met. We then get someone, who I like to call "The Meat Man" because he shows up, barely fights, and monologues about meat for 10 minutes. Guts refers to him as an Apostle, even though we don't know what that is (I know it's explained in the manga, I am talking about people who have only seen the movies or the '97 show, which is what this is a sequel of.) After Meat Man stops monologuing and Guts easily kills him, we get Rape Horse for some reason. He shows up with equality bad animation, and looks like a rejected Scooby Doo villain. He almost rapes the girl, but Guts saves her, cool. It was so poorly handled and so silly, and honestly, I was embarrassed I was still watching. Then the girl gets possessed and then isn't. Tension. Wow. After that, the guy shows up, finally gives her some clothes, and then as they leave, the credits play. And I think "Thank god," but then they are still going, and they fight, and talk, and there are like things happening. But I can't focus cause the credits. So the whole scene was ruined. So the credits end, I pause and see there is still like 4 or 5 minutes left. And kids, this is when it truly gets bad. Before it was just a bad filler episode. Now? Oh boy. We get this super fast, almost montage, of a bunch of characters we do not really know talking about things we have no concept of. Along with a cool drawing that is ruined by some editor's poor use of the keying tool in Premiere. They talk about war, they talk about everyone having a dream about the hawk, and people wonder if the hawk was even real. Then the king dies. Charlotte misses Griffith and wants his help, even though the last she sees of him, he is a dying husk of the great man he used to be. What great help he'd be. Then, all of a sudden, an army on elephants arrive. What? My friends inform me this isn't supposed to happen for a long time. Neither is the hawk dream. That these events should of been built up and executed better in the season finale, not now. It's like Season 1 Ep 1 of Game of Thrones has Dany arriving in Westeros. It's ridiculous. It was not built up, and just quickly said as if we'd just accept it. Then, it ends, and we get the next time on. We finally see a dark skinned Casca. A good thing in this hell of an episode. BUT then we see the text: "Is Casca Alive?!" ...Uhm... Yes? Is that a question? Is that supposed to build tension? Last time we saw her she was breathing. Some screws loose in her head, but alive. It's almost as dumb as asking if Guts is alive, or Puck, like yes they are, last we saw, they were alive. Unless they just... killed Casca off screen? I don't know, this mediocre adaption just took a massive drop off in quality, the likes of which I have never seen before. With the rate the pacing is going, episode 5 will be Guts and Casca getting on the boat. I have lost all hope.
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