The captain is the Simon Pure seadog
16 July 2016
This story by Dion Boucicault has been adapted and produced by Herbert Brenon. Mr. Brenon has done well. He has been particularly fortunate in the selection of a lay member of his cast, Captain Black of the steamship Columbia. It may be difficult to convince many picturegoers that the captain is the Simon Pure seadog; he does not act the least bit. He is the captain of the ship; he shows that in his manner. There is not a trace of camera-consciousness in him. Something unusual arises in the course of his day's work. Very well; he meets it just as he meets all such issues. There is not a ripple or a ruffle in the calmness of his bearing. A sailor is insubordinate. The captain orders him put in irons. The incident is closed. The captain's unconcern in the face of the rapid-fire camera matches the work recently done by Opie Read in "The Starbucks." It is beyond praise. Vivian Prescott's talent for serious work has full play in this drama. As Jane Learoyd, whose sweetheart is accused of murder, she has much to do in the making of the play. Notable also, is the characterization of Frank Smith as Noah Learoyd, the father of Jane, who, after shooting Readley, his employer, loses his mind. The portrayal of the transition from the sound to the unsound, of the creeping on of insanity, is impressive. William E. Shay has the part of Jim Starkey, the man unjustly accused of murder; Mr. Brenon of John Reilly, his sailor friend, and William Dunn of Richard Readley, the employer. Of course, the chief incident in the drama is the chase by the tug of the steamship, the climb up the side, the appeal to the captain for the release of the sailor, and, when the captain refuses to release Reilly, of the latter's jump into the water and being picked up by the tug. Also there is a wild ride on a locomotive in an effort to beat out the jury's decision in the murder trial. The flashes from the chase to the courtroom, and later to the room where the members of the jury are in session, keep the interest at the top notch. - The Moving Picture World, December 14, 1912
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