Big boom, little drama
16 July 2016
Wow. what to say about this movie. It was the longest movie I've seen in years. The writing and character development was spotty for a 3hr flick. Eisenberg carried the whole movie with the best performance followed by -- idk the movie took an odd time to for these super heroes living right next to each other to notice one another. If what happened in the last three batman movies were true especially Bain/Bane idc, captured the entire Island of Manhattan/Gotham/idc once again, superman would of heard of this or at least The Batman by now.

This movie seemed like the 'movie itself' (BvS:DOJ) was a toddler discovering a mirror for the first time and discovering what it looks like in this mirror. Everything was 'oh look these guys exist,' Batman never heard of Superman in 20+years that he was crime fighting? Why did we have to go through Waynes childhood thing again, wasted 1/3 of the movie or really made it seem like they had nothing better to do with Afflecks time.

Not my first choice for a Luthor character - but the stone cold businessman with a curiosity seemed like it'd be another boring peg in this movie so Eisenbergs joker-esk portrayal of a young, rich and crazy Luthor was one of the more fun things to watch in this film.

It just seemed like they tried really hard to get these two guys to notice each other and then give them this reason or any reason to want to fight. I think the future lies in Nextflix/Amazon mini series (5-15 eps long) that come out for each character before doing a big movie like this. Without the character development and time needed to work all these things out, it seems as it was, rushed and jam packed into 3 convoluted hours.
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