Teen Beach 2 (2015 TV Movie)
A Complete Drop from the Original Teen Beach & Not a Good Sequel
15 July 2016
There comes a time when one decides to watch a Disney Channel movie because they want to watch something upbeat, cute and fun to pass the time. That's how I ended up watching Teen Beach and was pleasantly surprised. I really liked the choreography, songs and the plot (though highly unlikely) was pretty good. I liked it for what it was and was definitely interested in checking out the sequel.

However, the sequel completely strips away everything I liked about the first, especially by canceling out the first movie by making the end of Teen Beach 2 rule out the complete existence of "Wet Side Story" and the leads (Mack and Brady) knowledge of the other's existence until they re- meet.

I liked the premise of the movie though of Mack and Brady going back to school and realizing the couple version of them in the summer is different from who they are in school. Except, when the cast of "Wet Side Story" entered the scene - the whole movie went downhill. Don't get me wrong, I like the characters from "Wet Side Story" but the writers didn't know how to juggle the two alternate worlds very well and the objectives for the characters could have been better.

I hated how I felt this movie went in circles and didn't progress forward. Like how the songs from the first were re-featured, not in a new feeling way that could be applicable to a new situation but more for the sake of singing the song. Or how the cast of "Wet Side Story" left the real world, then came back to the real world, only to have to leave again. Was that necessary? The earlier tensions between the leads basically dissolved on their own or had no substantial backing. And, of course, I hated the ending! Mostly because the adventure of the first and second movie is completely wiped from the memory of the leads and they have to start all over again in their relationship because the movie "Wet Side Story" changed. A Whole New Alternate Reality? SMH.

In my opinion, this movie missed the mark. They had all the right tools (formula of acting, singing, and dancing) but didn't know how to use the equipment... Sad, really. I wish that Teen Beach Movie was left as a stand-alone or instead the "Wet Side Story" cast was drawn to the real world to show Mac and Brady they are meant to be together in their school lives, through substantial plot, while simultaneously learning about the real world themselves. Oh Well! Another one bites the dust.
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