12 July 2016
Yet another ridiculous LMN movie with terrible writing and terrible acting. Leading lady is so bland she put me to sleep. A plain Jane look to her with blank expressions the usual long straight boring hair. Usually wearing jeans. No color to her look or personality. Where do they get these drama drolls? However, it was the plot that was the culprit in this not so tense melodrama. No names here, not worth the time. Probably a better radio program soap drama. You don't have to look at the actors. All about a disappearing husband and wifey is accused of murdering him. So we spend most of the movie listening to her say she's innocent. But nobody really cares. Including this viewer. Her acting left me cold and I didn't really care what happens to her. Will not reveal plot ending. I am going to force you to watch this like I was.
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