Let it go…to hell
3 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I've never seen the movie Food Fight, but I did see a fantastic review from FanboyFlicks. This movie looks like that crap.

I want badly to give this movie 1/10 stars on how terrible and outdated it is, but in reality, it does look like they were trying. They were trying to get a message across and they truly believed their jokes – ALL OF WHICH fell flat – worked.

I guess this is a Go-Green story of saving the planet, but they did it in a weird-ass way with having a polar bear (the movie's title character named "Norm") speak "human" so they can cut corners in the writing process. I suppose.

Let's just jump into the story: Norm, an artic polar bear, sees tourists as threats and vows to stop people from moving there to save his land. In the process, he brings three lemmings to NYC with him to produce fart and pee jokes (some right after the other) and save the North.

Again, I only saw clips of Food Fight from FanboyFlicks' YouTube review. This looks just as bad. Some of the worst animation I've ever seen. I wouldn't care so much about the CGI if the story was fresh, the characters fleshed and the message was clear. But none of those happened. It's just awful to look at and nothing of note to take with you outside the bad tech.

Skip this disaster and just donate $5 to Global Warming charities.


Final thoughts: Thank God kids are smart. To date, they've help fuel the fantastic Finding Dory with $372 million domestic in just its third weekend and this poor excuse for animation with $17 million in its entire run. Hell, Finding Dory probably made Norm of the North's take in the first 2 hours of release.
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