Review of Return 0

Person of Interest: Return 0 (2016)
Season 5, Episode 13
After Five Classic Seasons... Its All Over
3 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Person Of Interest reaches its final moments, in its 5th and finale season. What a way to go out, with one of the greatest series finales i have ever seen written. You couldn't ask for it to be more flawless then this. If you had told me after watching the season 1 pilot back in 2011, that this shows finale ( on CBS of all god forsaken networks ) would have a series finale where an A. I appears in a metaphysical form as one of the dead hero's ( played by Amy Acker ), and the lead hero character gets shot full of holes and blown up by a Navy missile on a sky scrapper... i would have laughed... but wow. Between the amazing sequences with Shaw on the subway car, the Rooftop sequences, the music, the flashbacks, this was amazing.

Anyone who says this ended poor or that Seasons 3, 4, and 5 were poor, go jump in a ditch.
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