Marred by a poor quality new version on DVD, among other things.
30 June 2016
Technical issues should not be a significant factor in watching a movie. They were when I watched a new copy of this film on DVD-it jammed there times in an otherwise functioning DVD player. The film is good-on the big screen-but its sometimes very dense visual field will not translate well onto the smaller screen unless of course someone has a very large TV at home. This also probably represents the best of what Marvel comics had to offer. When I was younger I was familiar with all the different comics and most of them were not very appealing-which would be most of the Marvel comics-since they were often drawn in an overly stylish way that was like using a visual language of 'artistic clichés' which was not very creative. For a decade at least there has been a massive amount of attention expended in turning Marvel comics into movies-and very little has been seen from the other comic book creator-DC comics-which was generally thought of as having the better artwork, compared to Marvel comics. This is a fun film but its success will probably only spur more adaptations of the other essentially repetitive and dull comics that Marvel churned out month after month for years on end. It is as if someone thinks that comic adaptations are always good for adult viewing also as if nurturing a never-ending childhood should be the goal of the entertainment industry. Since most of this subject matter is movies with a significant amount of violence in them that should concern adults. It should not be that kids are growing up with all violent movies and adults should not also be expected to always enjoy watching that kind of thing also-as if they were children as well, when they are not.
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