Star Trek: Friday's Child (1967)
Season 2, Episode 11
Dr.McCoy the obstetrician
25 June 2016
When Captain James T. Kirk got this assignment to negotiate a treaty with a planet that is a primitive hunter and gatherer culture he's got every right to think this one a slam dunk. As a junior officer William Shatner spent some time on the planet and got to know the leader real well.

So Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and DeForest Kelley are a diplomatic delegation and there's a Klingon played by Tige Andrews there and they are negotiating for mining rights. But when the leader that Kirk knew is murdered then the Star Trek diplomats are forced to flee without their weapons. They also flee with statuesque Julie Newmar, widow of the late leader and very pregnant. Good thing Dr. McCoy is along in case they need an obstetrician.

Newmar is great as the Zena the warrior princess character who sometimes is more trouble than she's worth. But as she's carrying the heir to the leadership everyone wants their hands on her.

Must also praise Tige Andrews who unlike Michael Dorn in The Next Generation is one Klingon with damn little honor. Andrews, the future Captain Greer of Mod Squad is hardly recognizable under that makeup.

Give this one a look.
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