No simple exploitation film this...
25 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A simple grade C Italian thriller with sex and violence becomes an A-picture thanks to an excellent script, strong acting and fine direction by Bruno Fontana, who also wrote the novel on which the film is based. At first glance the plot seems to be nothing new and the presence of Laura Gemser seems to indicate another EMMANUELLE-type adventure, set this time in the desert. Fans looking for cheap exploitation will find themselves with a whole lot more, as this gripping psychological study of the mental deterioration of a group of stranded soldiers is an excellent little movie and one of the best of its type I've seen. In fact it owes more to the gruelling Italian war epics of the '60s such as THE RED BERETS than the sleazy sexploitation drama into which it has been slotted. Despite lacking a budget, any stars (aside from Gemser in a relatively small role), gore, or special effects, this is a uniquely-crafted and utterly engrossing story of the lowest depths to which mankind will fall.

Things begin rather predictably with a team of soldiers infiltrating an enemy base and shooting dead a wanted man. Unfortunately they are double-crossed by their contact and their captain is fatally wounded. Lost in a country they have no knowledge of and worn down by a lack of provisions and the searing heat of the desert, the group quickly descends into mindless bickering, and power struggles for the leadership emerge when the captain dies. Along their journey they pick up a mysterious guide known as Bony and rest at a remote house. At this point the film hits us with a nasty gang-rape sequence which is pretty brutal and nihilistic, seeing as the girl commits bloody suicide as a result of the violation. After this nothing stays the same and one realises that this will be an intense, downbeat, and definitely adult film.

As more members of the party die and spirits dwindle, into the picture steps Laura Gemser as a mysterious sexual traveller who lures one man to his doom. What follows is a chronicle of sexual jealousy, leadership rivalry, and lots of violent murder as the remaining soldiers struggle to contain their feelings and eventually lose the remnants of their consciences. The outcome is predictable but oddly unmissable and its difficult to turn the film off once you've started watching. One thing it has in spades is atmosphere, with the sweaty Cyprus locations adding to the strong realism of the production and a lack of noticeable music/directorial flourishes adding to the feel of the film, making it seem almost documentary-like.

The acting is very good from just about the entire cast; of course the strongest and most interesting characters last the longest. Angelo Infanti (a George Eastman lookalike) is particularly good as the hateful brutish rapist who takes over leading the soldiers when the rightful captain dies. Giovanni Brusadori also excels as the innocent soldier who struggles to cope when his companions turn to rape and violent murder and who eventually descends into madness. Genre regular Gabriele Tinti deserves mention as the cool, mysterious "Bony" character, whilst Laura Gemser has a great role and gets to act for a change as well as shedding all of her clothes when necessary. The action sequences are well-staged and generally exciting but it's the human drama which makes this so watchable. Despite an element of predictably to the narrative (you can see pretty much from the start where its going) this remains a strong, challenging and important little movie and surprisingly better than you would imagine.
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