Maybelle Carter - The Soul of Country Music
24 June 2016
Netflix has just put this on streaming and whatever gripes I have with Netflix vanish when they 'come through' with something so 'tasty'. This is the story of birth of country music as PERFORMED music on radio, records, shows etc. It began thus in 1927 in a makeshift recording studio on the second floor of a hat factory in Bristol Virginia.

We can see the strength and dignity of Mother Maybelle Carter again and again throughout this documentary. She was a seasoned road performer and no naive country 'stereotype'. Like one musician said, some of those Nashville stars sunk into drink, ruin and despair would call her in the middle of the night, "Mama, I need help". And she was always there for them.

There is no understanding Johnny Cash apart from the Carter family and one seriously doubts if he would have lived long enough to be famous without their love.

Lots of great songs, a few too many renditions of Keep on the Sunny Side when there are SO many others but that is a minor quibble. This should send you all over the net looking up the many Carter family and related sessions and old film clips.
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