Review of Spiral

Spiral (2000)
Amateurish adaptation that does not stand on its own
23 June 2016
I noticed a lot of reviews for this film were older, it seems like a number of people watched during the wave of the import DVD scene in the early 2000's. I read Uzumaki last year, and then saw a number of good reviews, so I expected a little more from the film. Still was managing my expectations that it would be a solid adaptation of the manga based off others. For that matter, I always try to separate adaptations and judge a product on it's own merits, however this film falls very short.

The film looks cheap - tacky spiral effects in the background and fast cuts (bordering on spastic at some points) do not do the film any favors. Also the editing is something like a school video project, using all kinds of odd "fades" and "screen wipes" that really seem dated to a modern audience. The film never takes itself too seriously and it is styled almost like a comedy, yet the tone is inconsistent. They toss in cheap jump scares that are out of nowhere. There are a few scenes that establish a creepy atmosphere, but that gets tossed out the window with a bad edit or goofy scene every time; the potential gets squandered.

The acting is pretty stale in a lot of parts, and I think some of blame falls on the director's camera techniques. Often I felt he was highlighting a weaker performance with his shots, zooming in on actor's faces like a soap opera. If he had instead spent more effort focusing on atmosphere or building tension I think the story really could have benefited. The story is somewhat vague and had I not read the source material I wonder if I would have been able to follow it at all. To me that is the biggest problem, by picking and choosing bits from the manga and changing too many other things to condense it into a film, it is a half-baked product to the core. Fans of the manga will be disappointed, while newcomers may not be sure what is going on.

Alright, I've gotta be that guy.... If you choose to watch this film and think it has some good ideas, check out the manga. It is much richer and more rewarding. Everything is better connected and well explained, the vibe is much creepier. I can pretty much guarantee you'll dig it. If you read the manga a while ago, and want to turn your brain off for 90 minutes, it does have some cool moments but really lacks any payoff. It is totally skippable otherwise. I only finished it out of inertia - I was ready to tap out around halfway through but decided to finish it off when I saw it a short feature. If the movie worked on it's own I would say check it out, but don't waste your time.

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