Review of Return 0

Person of Interest: Return 0 (2016)
Season 5, Episode 13
So good, I'm somewhat at a loss for words
23 June 2016
When this series started, I looked forward to it but wasn't sure how good it might be, despite the great cast, because the writing staff had taken over the second floor of the building I used to work in and I had the knee-jerk reaction, "Uh-oh, script by committee." My concern was completely unfounded, of course, and in the last two seasons especially, I was constantly impressed by that writing ─ the perfect combination of emotion, intrigue, humor, moral tension, drama, big questions, action.... everything. Combine that with great acting, directing, camera work, editing, visual effects, music, all the elements, and I got five ─ or I guess, four-and-a-half ─ seasons of great television.

As for this final episode, it felt at the end of it all like the whole series had gelled into one big, long, great movie, not just segments of "network TV." I'm trying hard to remember any series finale I've ever seen that was anywhere near as good, and the only one that comes to mind is the two-hour "All Good Things" from Star Trek: The Next Generation, although Person of Interest had the disquieting distinction of only being "sci-fi" for a very short time before pieces of its reality began to set in. Having spent some years in the intelligence community myself, this one hit closer to home, even though TNG always struck a chord with my Navy days. I wish I could wipe this episode from my memory just so I could watch it again for the first time. But I'm going to watch it again anyway. Thank you Jonathan Nolan and all your cast and crew for one great ride.
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