Gilligan's Island: High Man on the Totem Pole (1967)
Season 3, Episode 23
Gilligan gets a head
20 June 2016
"High Man on the Totem Pole" begins with Gilligan finding a totem pole made by the fierce Kupakai tribe, topped by a third head that bears a striking resemblance to himself. Before long he starts believing that he's descended from head hunters, and chops off the offending head so he doesn't have to look at it. The Professor solves this dilemma by literally putting his head on the chopping block, soft hearted Gilligan unwilling to claim his trophy. Unfortunately, three actual head hunters find the desecrated totem pole and vow death to those who violated their long dead king. The castaways were always easy targets for capture, but it must be said that with so many blades being sharpened their peril looks quite perilous, Gilligan's likeness their only hope.
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