Mediocre Comedy
16 June 2016
A Skelton movie is always good for at least a few laughs. Even when the storyline is pretty well hacked up, as it is here, some of his slapstick bits still register. Here he's an inept camera store-owner turned inept photographer, who gets involved with a housing developer (Dahl). Trouble is her housing project is being sabotaged by insiders. Skelton stumbles across their plot and now they're after him. So, will pa Skelton and grandpa Skelton get their youngest and his girl out of the stew, (Red in three roles!).

I agree with others—this is a lesser Skelton vehicle. It never really gels. Instead, the narrative resembles beads of comedic bits strung along a choppy string. Nonetheless, there are some funny sketches—Red and a fat guy undressing in what amounts to a closet; Red photographing a bedecked doorman that he takes to be an admiral, et al. There's also some funny lines-- Red commenting on the opening credits, which is unlike anything I've seen. But the overall impression is that, except for the climactic chase, the bits could have been worked easily into his TV show instead of awkwardly strung out into a movie.

(In passing—Note in one segment the extensive housing project under construction. In short, it's suburban housing opening up like blossoms in LA's post-war sunshine. Can clogged freeways be far behind.)
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