Pretty meh.
14 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't hate this show, it's really alright. The show is pretty cute and charming and for once has at least some sort of original premise. I like some of the plots, but the humor is just ehh. They usually revolve around butts and poop and uhh.. awkward. Speaking of awkward, this show has really awkward acting. The acting isn't terrible, but it certainly isn't good, especially Lizzy, her acting is some of the worst. It just seems as though the producers are lazy and don't wanna do retakes because hurr hurr hurr it takes time. I'm not sure if the bad acting is a charm to the show because it seems as though they are intentional, but from time to time, the characters seem as though they're trying. I could see them trying to do a satire on bad acting, but that's not what this show is, it actually has bad acting. The only actors I can name as good are the adults. The dialogue between characters can just feel sloppy and forced from time to time, the emotions are too. I do have some better ways to show dialogue, but not in this review, not in any review. The plots can be very predictable, but they're not bad. I just don't find this show good. I don't find it bad. It's pretty meh. It can be cute and charming, but I'm honestly confused to how I should feel towards this show; on one side it's sloppy and on the other it's charming.

Overall: 6/10; lots of things to like and lots of things to dislike

Would I recommend it to people? Probably -- probably not. Maybe. Just maybe. You guys... I don't know. You can check it out and maybe you'll have a different reaction from me, but... I just don't know.
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