Community: Interpretive Dance (2010)
Season 1, Episode 14
In honor of "Community"- a review of every episode. (S1;E14- "Interpretive Dance")
4 June 2016
(This is the fourteenth part in an ongoing series, in which I am writing brief reviews of each and every episode of Dan Harmon's beloved cult- comedy "Community." Originally conceived as a response to NBC's cancellation of the series before it was revived for its final season on Yahoo.)

As I had indicated in previous reviews, the two episodes proceeding this were among the lesser entries of the first season... at least in my humble opinion. Not that they were bad, just that upon re- visiting them in retrospect... they didn't quite measure up to the show at it's height in season one.

On the other hand, "Interpretive Dance" is one of the best of the season. It's one of the episodes that really nails not only the outstanding humor the series is famed for, but also the complex characters, their interactions and the heart and emotion at their center.

The finely-tuned script by Lauren Pomerantz shines, as does the stellar direction courtesy Justin Lin, a very good filmmaker in his own right who of course went on to direct several major Hollywood films to date. Add to that amazing performances by all involved (with extra props going to the wonderful Gillian Jacobs), and you've got just a fantastic half-hour of television.

Britta (Gillian Jacobs) and Troy (Donald Glover) both discover that they are secretly in dance classes, and that there's a big recital coming up... one Troy may be too embarrassed to take part in. At the same time, Jeff (Joel McHale) is revealed to be secretly dating beautiful Professor Slater. (Lauren Stamile) Upon discovering Jeff's secret fling, Britta may just begin to question if she really does have feelings for him or not, causing some tensions to rise...

I've always been open about being a fan of the Britta character. Heck, I'll go so far as to say she's actually my favorite character in the series. Which is no small feat as any fan will tell you. The entire cast and the characters they portray are all phenomenal. But I always admired and identified with Britta the most among them. Her sense of quirkiness and never quite fitting in despite trying her hardest... she always seems just a little lost, which is something I think most people feel fairly often. And I also love her passion, even when it can be occasionally misguided. So it's nice seeing her have a meaty role in this episode.

This is also a good episode for regular season-one guest Lauren Stamile to have some time to shine. She's a great deal of fun and a good foil for the mild sense of "Will they/won't they" that is subtly present regarding Jeff and Britta. A great casting choice for a great guest character.

This is definitely one of the finest of season one. And it's easily a 10 out of 10 for me. Worth re-visiting for all fans, casual or hardcore.
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