Too Boring to Watch to End
2 June 2016
I was fooled by what must be fake positive reviews to watch this.

Thankfully I used an online streaming service so I did not waste money only some of my time on this rubbish.

The first few opening minutes were suitably atmospheric and creepy but it very quickly went down hill. The camera work was bad, so bad that most amateurs would be too ashamed to admit to filming it.

Shaky filming and jump cuts were presumably intentional but I just found them jarring and distracting. The scary bits were not scary as by the time they appeared I was bored and almost ready to give up.

I left the film running for a bit to see if it got any better, on seeing no sign of improvement after another ten minutes I gave up and came here to post this review.

If you are thinking about watching this film I would say do not waste your money or your time.
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