Routine murder mystery with little to enliven it
1 June 2016
Twickenham Studios must have churned out film after similar film during the mid 1930s. TANGLED EVIDENCE is no exception, it's a fairly stolid murder mystery lacking any kind of hook or angle to make it interesting or lift it above a couple of dozen others similar of note. The movie opens with a dead body on the study floor and a house full of guests and relatives, one of whom is responsible.

It takes the efforts of a typically gruff police detective to get to the bottom of things, but not before the viewer endures the usual round of dialogue-heavy back stories and half-hearted performances. Michael Shepley, the comic relief in A SHOT IN THE DARK, co-stars - and wears the same pair of glasses as in that film - but isn't as much fun here. Sadly, the identity of the murderer is almost impossible to guess given a lack of information imparted to the viewer, so you're forced to sit back while the characters in the know explain everything at the climax. It makes for a pretty dull viewing experience.
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