Meh movie, but has one of the most underrated actors of all time
31 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
While I was generally underwhelmed by special effects, plot, dialogue, and general quality of the movie in nearly all aspects, one particular thing had stood out to separate this film from all others. LENNY CAMPOBELLO! He is, by far, the greatest actor to ever walk the face of this planet. He saves this movie. He makes the audience feel. HE IS A LEGEND. Furthermore, this review platform requires that I fill ten lines, yet there is little else to say about this movie. I mean, its pretty bad aside from Lenny...but he's just that good. I should hope all reading this will join in my noble quest to bring Lenny up to the actor ranking that he deserves. He's rated 2 million right now, but we all know he should at least be in the top 50. LENNY FANS UNITE!
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