Review of Dirty Grandpa

Dirty Grandpa (2016)
Lousy, but with a couple of highlights
29 May 2016
Awful, awful comedy, but I love some of the actors in it so I had a morbid curiosity. Honestly, the script just plain sucks. I have no clue why Robert De Niro (whom I didn't watch it for, by the way - his judgement has been so bad for the past 20+ years you can just assume his movies are going to suck) would sign onto this. You have to admire his commitment, but the whole old-person-has-potty-mouth act was old decades ago. Plus, it's not just that he's dirty, he's mostly unlikable. The biggest problem with the film is that it's saddled with the hoary "dude is marrying a bitch" trope, which is always lame and fairly sexist. Funny thing is, the other girl Zac Efron falls for in the film, Zoey Deutch (the cutey from Everybody Wants Some!!), is every bit as boring as the girl he's engaged to (Julianna Hough). Efron himself isn't too bad as the straight man, but he works better in goofier roles. I saw this mainly for Aubrey Plaza. She's hot as Hell in this movie, and has some funny line readings, but I'm just too squicked out by her lust for Robert De Niro. I almost threw up in my mouth a couple of times. So yeah, almost everything here sucks, but there are two big exceptions: Jason Mantzoukas and Adam Pally. Mantzoukas plays a nutty drug dealer named Pam ("it's a nickname. It's short for Pamela") and he brings a lot of life to the picture whenever he pops up. Pally (Happy Endings, The Mindy Project) doesn't get as much to do, but he gets a laugh even with the smallest line, and he has the movie's best gag as he has to act as a messenger between Efron and Hough at their wedding. I'd almost say it's worth watching just for Mantzoukas and Pally if you're a fan of either of them. The rest of it is bad, but I've seen far worse.
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