Diggin through the Tapes
25 May 2016
Excellent documentary, capturing the true essence of hip hop, Garcia did an excellent job directing, just like the legendary show this documentary itself feels incredibly organic. After hearing these shows for years on countless tapes and dubs (which I still play in the Walkman to this day) it was really nice to finally see actual footage of the show in action, really puts everything into perspective and was really interesting. Loads of hip hop legends feature here, and the captions under each were clever and funny (especially Sears) to any hip hop head, and those who don't are shown in old archive footage of freestyles and interviews, but there are too many underground acts that featured on Stretch & Bob to fit in one documentary, it's up to the watcher to dig through the tapes and find more old shows and gems from this golden age of hip hop (Natural Elements, Artifacts, red eyed crew, the list is genuinely endless). Undoubtedly the greatest hip hop radio show ever. Was cool seeing the MCs listening to their own freestyles, especially OC, who almost instantly felt it all come back to him, and Nas' reaction to his off the top was hilarious. Really funny seeing them interview Keith too, wish he was in it more. Tributes to those who were taken too young are done well here to. Perfect documentary, does the legacy of the show justice, and the end credits seems to give a list of all the instrumentals and 12"s used in the documentary, which is helpful for those desperately looking for the crazy beats they used to pull back in the day. DVD also includes a commentary by Stretch and Bobbito which I am really looking forward to watching in the near future.
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