Another Over Stuffed Film
25 May 2016
Unfortunately, X-men Apocalypse doesn't live up the standards of the more successful entries, such as Days of Future Past and First Class to name the most recent. If I had to sum it up in one word, I'd say overstuffed. Which is harsh, but as a Bryan Singer helmed X-Men Film, I expected more - Bryan Singer might be losing his touch. The film is about a near god-like mutant, the first ever, and his quest to destroy the world.

But first, onto the good stuff. It is safe to say the highlights of this film mainly revolve around Quicksilver. His scene is brilliantly made, and took months to complete - this could be a reason for some of the other issues of the film. It is incredibly inventive, fun and Evan Peters is a golden bit of casting in this role. I only wish we could see more, as Quicksilver's potential return is the only reason I anticipate the next film. Michael Fassbender's acting is superb, and it is evident to see this in a couple of scenes - you'll know when you see them. James Mcavoy is also charming and funny as Charles Xavier, and I wished there were more scenes between his and Fassbender. Other highlights include Nightcrawler, Angel and Wolverine, although the first two should've gained more screen time. It's worth noting that Angel is a much more interesting character before his transformation.

Now the bad. As previously mentioned, it is overstuffed with too many characters. There isn't enough time for them all. Personally, I didn't really connect with the new team that well (Cyclops, Jean and Nightcrawler) but there are still some good moments between them. The four horsemen are possibly the biggest example of this however, with Psylocke and Angel not saying much and whilst Storm has a few more lines, it does not take long for any of them to join Apocalypse. It feels rushed and follows a similar problem to Batman V Superman. Magneto is the only one of the horseman that I enjoyed seeing, as I've already said, as he is the only one who you feel any emotion towards.

Other problems include some of the special effects looking a tad weird, although overall they quite good; too many flashbacks to First Class (reminds us of a better film); Sophie Turner's American accent wasn't convincing at all to me, probably because I'm used to her British accent. But a big problem with this film, is a problem which I actually enjoyed seeing - Wolverine's Cameo (not a spoiler its in the trailer)

Wolverines Cameo scene was completely unnecessary in the film, there is no reason for it to take place, or for Stryker to appear, other than to shoehorn Hugh Jackman in. This time taken up by this film could've been purposed to serve as more time with new characters (preferably the Horsemen) and I feel like it was a requirement from Fox to put it in, although Singer does his best to make it work. The only benefits of this scene are to highlight the premise of an R-Rated Wolverine movie - Wolverine really cuts soldiers down, there's a lot of blood for a PG-13 rated movie. I should just mention this is a violent film, there's people getting crushed, burned alive, folded and beheaded, so just warn any younger viewers of this.

Finally, Apocalypse is a really mediocre villain - his power is amazing to watch, end even though it feels like he can do anything, you realise that because of the ending to Days of Future Past, that everyone makes it out okay. There isn't really much development for Apocalypse. Whilst story arcs are absent with a lot of characters here, Apocalypse's is simply to destroy the world and that's it.

Overall, X-Men Apocalypse has some fun moments (watch out for Quicksilver), some emotional moments and some decent action, but is ends up with too many characters with too little character development and a lack of sensible structure, with too many scenes not being necessary, and character motivations not explained to evident.

It is worth a watch, but maybe not worth going to the Cinema .

Nick Will Charlie Paul.
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