Enjoyable Add to the Series
21 May 2016
I admit to being a fan of both the Barbershop series and Ice Cube or at least the Ice Cube I've seen in a few movies. I can't say I personally know the man.

This is, again, a combination of in store banter, which is by far the most entertaining aspect of the movie, a bit of personal issues with families outside the shop and again, like in #2, addressing larger social issues which face the US.

The banter is great. The personal issues are rather mundane - you've seen them all before done as well as here. The social issues will split the audience. The Big Question comes up: what to do about black on black violence which in Chicago (the setting) claims maybe a dozen lives a week.

Sadly, the movie takes the easy road blaming slavery and citing as heroes Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. These are heroes to the black community? Two thugs? Well, that's the way many see things including Cube, apparently.

Still, in the end, an enjoyable feel good movie which paradoxically portrays black folks not as typical Hollywood caricatures, but as humans. That alone is worth the price of admission.
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