Review of Well Wishes

Well Wishes (2015)
About as dull as a movie can be dull and not 1 well in it!
20 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
And then it hits you with an immoral libertarian statement at movies end!!! What was Director/writer: Anderson Boyd thinking?

Here's the plot - The story opens with our main character, Miles, being fired from his job. He goes home and tells his girlfriend and she pack up and splits. Miles is at rock bottom, no girl, no job, and no employer interested in hiring him. He gets an idea while looking at a public fountain and sees lots and lots of change (coins) at the bottom tossed in by people making a wish. You got it! He goes to sweep it up and out and in so doing he creates a source of income. He maps the city for the location of every fountain - he has discovered a gold mine of income. And he shares his good fortune through a kindness to a rather mysterious elderly man who appears to be a homeless beggar.

Miles convinces his friend, Jack, to join him in this coin sweeping enterprise. Things go so well they decide to hire an employee. So they offer the job to the elderly homeless man named Durwood. Durwood is full of ideas and suddenly their business expands state wide. Then nation wide! So our main character, Miles, hits the road to sweep up the fortune to be found in fountains across the U.S. Everything goes as planned until Miles meets a girl and he falls in love.

This story drags on and on like a slug oozing up hill with lots of movie montages of the guys at play & work, more montages of Miles and new girlfriend at play. Jack and Durwood expand the business and hire five more employees during Miles absents. Miles eventually returns to 'home base'. Miles has lost his new girlfriend, he and Jack have a falling out, Miles fires everybody, and he's right back to square one.

Here's where the movie takes a turn. Miles and Jack get word that Durwood is on his deathbed and they rush to see him. They discover the old man was an eccentric billionaire and has left a fortune to the boys because they trusted him and his decisions. He leaves them a fortune because he liked their entrepreneurial business spirit.

I must take issue with this because their business was based on stealing money from fountains on public and what appeared to be private property!! What sort of message is this!? You reap a fantastic reward for stealing the property of others? Once someone tosses a coin into a fountain that coin becomes the property of whoever maintains the fountain, be it public municipal property or private property! Sorry, but this movie is first, very slow and dull, and second, it delivers a strange libertarian message.
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