Sitting Target (1990 Video)
There is a lot wrong
19 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There is nothing wrong trying to make a low-budget movie but it would probably have been useful to first have a sort of storyboard but this film seems to have been written and filmed as it went along. The dream sequences seem to make no sense and the credits have so many goofs (more about that later) you may wonder how the cast and crew communicated with one another. The plot is fairly basic though. It is about a cop, Tony Rayman (Tom Rocklyn) bringing down a drug smuggling ring.

The problem with this film is the continuity. The actor who plays Tony in dreams is not Tom Rocklyn but you only find this out if you read the end credits. If you do not read the credits then you may be left wondering who this character is. In a chase scene, Tony is being chased by a motorcyclist but in the next clip he is chasing a car load of crooks and a motorcyclist arrives much later. Similarly, in another scene, Tony has a gun to his head but in the next clip he is stalking some crooks. Are these different scenarios or just plain poor continuity? Who knows? The credits are another bone of contention. The opening credits give the star as John Rocklyn but in the end credits he is Tom Rocklyn. He looks familiar so it left me wondering if this is his real name. Also Scandiuzzi is spelt Scanduzzi. A film location is given as Potterville, California but using Google Earth I can find no Potterville in California but there is a Porterville. There is more but I think you get the point. There are far too many basic mistakes to give this a good rating.
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