Left Unsatisfied :(
17 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I both liked and disliked this movie and I'll explain why.

When I read the summary on Netflix, I was looking forward to it. I thought it would be as I imagined it and also hoped it would be as I was hoping for. I've always wanted to have a friend with a different ethnicity as mine, but only in my dreams because in my experiences, "friendship" comes and goes. I never had such luck.

So, I thought this movie was going to be like this, and I was pleased when they met. But as the movie progressed, I find it strange how the two still acted so shy and Ellie seemed too pushy towards Thuy. And Thuy reminded me of a "friend" I had who always lied to me for no reason. So this movie ended up confusing me as to how did they still remained friends and reunite???

This movie isn't what I hoped it would be and left me unsatisfied at the end, but there are some parts to this film I do like. That they show no boundaries in race. I wish the world was really like that.

I marked this as a spoiler in case you haven't seen the movie yet. But I do recommend you see it. It is a bittersweet movie.
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