my two cents...
15 May 2016
Donald needs to improve on his English (because when you sound like Donald Duck that can sometimes be a problem for Daisy Duck), so he happens to run into someone who looks just like him but talks like Trevor Howard or something, and then there's the old switcheroo (and of course the Trevor Howard Donald is attracted to Daisy on first sight). Wackiness ensues, and there's several funny send-ups with this premise Sure, yes, it's a sitcom premise... but the ending has kind of haunted me my whole life. That sounds heavy, but at the end of this short, when Daisy discovers the obvious (it happens after a climactic scene inside of a 'Tunnel of Love' portion of a carnival), she's in a frenzy saying a whole lot of fast gibberish at the two 'Donalds'. That's just... if you're a real little kid seeing it, trust me, it stays with you!
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