A Diet Spaghetti Western
14 May 2016
Man, Italians Westerns that are as average as this are hard to find. Mostly there's either a huge body count, some nice stylistic touches, or some over the top gun play to keep you going. This one, starring George Hilton (of Dinner with a vampire and Raiders of Atlantis), John Ireland (of Run Man Run and an episode of the Littlest Hobo) and George Mitchell (of Frankenstein 80 and Achtung! The Desert Tigers) kinds of keeps going over the same ground until the film ends.

What I mean is, you've got the usual bunch of folk after some gold (like Run Man Run) who keep double crossing each other or forging unlikely alliances (which happens so often in spaghetti westerns that it actually defies conventional mathematics by occurring in 107% of spaghetti westerns! How is that even possible?. However, this film just keeps doing that over and over and over again with little or no variation.

Seriously. Someone has the gold hidden somewhere, others get together to get it, there's maybe a shoot out or a punch up, the gold ends up somewhere else, repeat until the non-ending.

I've watched a lot of Italian Westerns, and this is only the second that wasn't that great. It gets points for George Hilton being good (as usual), some nice comedic scenes, but that's about it. Put this way low on your 'watch list'.
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