12 May 2016
I want to recommend this movie, the cast have been in some great movies and someone clearly laboured over the script. But in the end it just doesn't deliver enough in any department to truly be all that likable.

The story is about the making of a horror movie and the crew have some problems...That is it. This is the opposite of Smothered, a horror movie starring horror icons where there is no clear direction. Here it is all about the director, but the character work is lacking. Both are trying to explore and satirise aspects of the horror film industry, however in this case the film contains no actual horror but is a straight comedy. While the 'A Comedy' is in the title it is still surprising that a film where the main title is 'Brutal Massacre', there is no horror whatsoever. I was sitting there expecting some kind of horror shenanigans to materialise, but they never do. It's like going into Gareth Edwards' Monsters and not knowing it is a slow art piece more about aesthetics than actual monster mayhem, it makes it hard to enjoy the movie for what it is.

So to be clear, this is a straight mockumentary comedy about low budget horror. It has some good ideas and some kind of funny moments and observations but overall falls flat since most of these are either obvious or have already been done. What's more you never really care about any of the characters all that much and that hurts this film even more than had it been a straight horror, at least in that case there would have been cool deaths to enjoy. There is just too little to root for or care about, and the jokes aren't funny enough to make up for that. It is a 'meh' all-round unfortunately.
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