The future of Puerto Rico
12 May 2016
Juan Agustín Márquez is a well-known Puerto Rican Producer and Director of many Documentaries. He is a two-time Emmy Award winner whose films are based on social justice and education. Over a period of three years, he has produced and directed more than 120 films of Puerto Rico's top tourist attractions. His first feature length documentary, 100,000, based on Puerto Rico's overpopulation problem has won numerous awards.The film, The Last Colony by Juan Agustín Márquez, is a truly remarkable depiction of fighting for one's country. It exhibits the devotion and love that these citizens' have for what they believe their nation's status ought to be. Whether it should remain a commonwealth, receive its independence or acquire statehood. Juan captures this incredible experience from beginning to end and once again, has accomplished his goal and produced an authentic and riveting documentary.--Kristen Ross
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