A relevant counterpoint for open minds
5 May 2016
I saw Climate Hustle today and went in as someone without a specific opinion on the topic. I am not a scientist nor is anyone I know. To date, any info I have about climate change came from the electronic box in my living room, the one I'm typing on now or the many "fervent believers" I know, who are not scientists either. (But boy, they've got religion!)

However, I have been on the front lines of business (which means: sales, marketing and business owner) for 35 years so I can smell a questionable pitch from a mile away. Which doesn't mean the pitch is bull, it means it's questionable.

What has always troubled me about the climate change topic is: -- a) It came about SO quickly and with such desperately urgent action requested = Flag #1 -- b) The primary worldwide spokesperson is a politician = Flag #2 -- c) This former politician (and many other vocal proponents) has made enormous sums of money off the subject he's pitching so ardently = Flag #3 -- d) There is too much supposed consensus on a subject so complex AND a lack of open discussion and debate = Flag #4

Okay people, never mind what the topic is -- if you're an adult, who thinks, then those first 3 items related to any pitch should give you a mighty pause.

Regarding the movie: if you consider it as another part of your information gathering regarding this complicated topic then you'll learn some things. I didn't love the attempts to entertain and amuse but understand why the film maker felt the need (in America, most have to be entertained in order to get their attention) nor some of the choppy editing. Rather I would have enjoyed more in-depth interviews with some of the important scientists featured. But, their points were made and I was much relieved to witness that there are still some people in this world who will openly reverse course when they realize their initial viewpoint was wrong or inadequately supported. Those are courageous people.

I felt the taped panel discussion at the end added to the effort. Whereas, I wouldn't have chosen Sarah Palin to be on it (she may have value to add but articulation is simply NOT her thing), I guess she provided some notoriety. The other two were the film maker and a climatologist and they offered worthy information.

The movie is worth your time as food for thought and a counterpoint to all of the one-sided info coming our way in the mainstream media.
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