Lackluster effort
9 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This story takes the easy way out. It has an easy villain, a heartless corporate exec. His comeuppance is obvious and simplistic. He gets the same treatment he gave others - not the sort of TZ-worthy twist one comes to expect. There's no nuance, no insight, just a black and white Good vs Evil, human beings vs corporate efficiency. The erstwhile corporate exec doesn't even seem to realize that he's now the victim of the same thing he did to others.

A more nuanced approach would have given the exec a little bit of a journey to discover the heartlessness of his approach, instead of cutting directly from perpetrator to victim. A more nuanced approach would have shown the staff realizing that refusing to accept change carries its own risks.

I'd rate the episode lower, but hey, it's still the dear old TZ, and you try to be forgiving when an old friend lobs the occasional dud. The episode gets some credit for casting a non-white actor whose role isn't just to be "the black guy." And Robby the Robot gets a cameo appearance.
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